Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It has been a long time since I have posted about Shylo. He continues to make progress and work his way deeper and deeper into our family and my heart. He doesn't need his harness anymore because we don't have to keep a leash on him when he is outside. He goes in and out with the other three and no longer needs to be bribed to get him back inside. That was a major change!He does have a peculiar habit. He likes to be UP! We find him on the furniture including the table, on tree stumps, benches, log piles-anything that gets him off the ground. I wonder if his cage at the puppy mill was on the upper level. Here are some shots of him UP! You will notice there are no chairs around the table; we still haven't seen him get up there! Finding him on the tree stump really had us "stumped". I put bread out there for the squirrels; none of the other dogs have ever gotten up on that stump.  At the lowest point it is 32" off the ground  (which is actually lower than our table-hmmmm).