Saturday, February 15, 2014

Shylo loves snow days

All we can see are tails!
 There is plenty of snow here in CT this winter, and even though Shylo is a "southerner" he seems to love it. We actually (meaning my daughter) made a "track" for the dogs so they can run around the yard without disappearing. Shylo hasn't figured out why he can't just walk on top of it; he keeps trying and falling in! We can't leave them out very long because it has been so cold, but they love every chance they get to go out. They line up at the door waiting for Shylo to get his leash on (or sweaters if it is really cold.

Shylo has really settled in and become one of the gang. He is now wrestling with Tigger our 11 year old Shih Tzu/Lhasa mix. Mandy looks a little confused since she thinks she is the only one Shylo should play with. It is a wonderful process watching Shylo (as my husband puts it) becoming a real dog. I had no idea what I was getting into fostering a "mill puppy", but it is incredibly rewarding. One by one the issues are going away; he really is a sweety.

There they are!

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